About Lindsey

You could say that being a business coach was by universal design for Lindsey. “From a very young age I remember being fascinated with human behavior and mindset. I remember on a regular basis sitting on a playset watching other little humans interact with each other. I believe this made me very attuned to human idiosyncrasies and unconscious behaviors including nonverbal communication, and now it's just a working part of my mind.” Working in all the jobs she has ever had since the age of 15 and businesses she has owned since the age of 24, Lindsey has instinctively worked more ON the businesses than IN them. The primary goal always being to get them to run more efficiently and profitably - specifically, getting more out of the human beings of the businesses. “Business is about people. If the human beings of the business are dysfunctional, the business is going to be pretty dysfunctional. This dysfunction is what creates low or no-profit businesses and owners with chronic `headaches.'”

Lindsey is the daughter of a business owner who, as a result of his business, rarely had time for his family and was exhausted in every way, most of the time. This led her to the conclusion that a role as a business owner was not the life for her and she went to college to study Nursing. “I thought being a nurse would allow me to have freedom to do what I wanted to do, work where I wanted to work, work with the people I wanted to work with. What I didn't realize was how difficult it is to be responsible for the people you are caring for without the authority to make decisions on their care. It was incredibly draining emotionally, and I felt trapped in a career I had spent a great deal of time and energy to arrive in.” Lindsey left nursing and sought a new life and a new career.

“Out into the big world I went with nothing but a mind and love for people and a worthless degree. I was terrified that I would never find my way.” The path of self-discovery was rich for Lindsey, and as she walked that road, she was offered an opportunity to join an organization that focused on business and personal development. Given her natural abilities in business efficiency and human behavior and mindset, coupled with her reignited love for personal development, she felt like it was the perfect marriage. “It just felt right.”

Lindsey worked within that organization for two and a half years. “I had the pleasure of working with an elite group of individuals across the globe transforming the lives of thousands of people. It was a wonderful part of my journey.” Though she enjoyed working with this group, Lindsey felt tied down and had a deep sense that it was time to spread her wings and leave the nest and so Business RN was born.

“I love this work. I can't imagine doing anything else.” Lindsey understands the struggles that business owners go through every day - inside and outside of business. She has had her own doses of business failures, employee issues, relationship problems, divorce, major health issues, geographical changes, loss. “Here's the thing - how my next business or life issue turns out is completely dependent upon how I deal with it. Every major life or business problem in my life has been a huge learning opportunity, and I am so grateful for every one of them. Without them I would not be as solid a person or as effective a coach.”

“In the last 7 years, I have had the pleasure of working with clients across the United States and in Germany, helping them to double gross revenues; quadruple profits; create environments where the owner, team and clients want to be; and create the time, space and money for owners to have lives outside of business.”

Lindsey is mentored by some of “the best minds in the industry” - Cheryl Blossom, Jayne Johnson, Blair Singer. Blair describes Lindsey as a “natural speaker” and “a testimony to human spirit.” Lindsey's mantra is “The more risk I take, the more confidence I have because it forces me to trust myself.”

She was asked to give a dissertation to hundreds on “Little Voice Mastery” at the 4th Annual International Networking Week Event, “The Language of Networking” sponsored by BNI (the world's largest referral network) on February 2nd, 2010 alongside Bob Nicoll, author of “Remember the Ice.” Lindsey takes every opportunity she can to speak in front of groups looking to better their lives and their businesses.

About Business R.N.

Business RN is an international business and personal development coaching firm that originally started in 2009. “For the past 7 years, we have helped hundreds of businesses all over the United States and the world double gross revenues andd quadruple profits. More importantly we have helped business teams create an environment where team members can work together, motivate each other, be productive and create profit. This means that the owner of the business gets to have what most of them got in business to have – a time and money abundant life.” Business RN has worked with one man shops up to teams of 50 in industries ranging from hair salons to automotive repair to pet boutique. They have helped all of these businesses substantially improve team morale, productivity, owner lifestyle, motivation and profits.

Your coaching program with Business RN is customized to fit your needs. “We use many tools to help us reach what it is you’re looking to accomplish, but each business is a little different. Frankly, our job would be easier if it were one size fits all, but that’s not how coaching is. It’s art and science combined.”

The program recommended will be based on your first conversation with Lindsey Swanson, owner of Business RN. “I want to get clear with you about where it is you’re looking to take your business and your life and how quickly you’d like to see that happen. I base my recommendations on your needs. Many times, people will sit down with me for their free coaching session and walk away with the golden nugget they needed to take the next step. Sometimes it’s not that simple or the desires are bigger, more complex and need more time. I believe everyone needs a coach – biased I know – but the reality is, most of my clients have been with me for over 5 years because life happens, business happens, change, gain, loss – and having a skilled business and life coach by your side who is unaffected by your life and able to give you an objective view is priceless in my opinion.”